General Anaesthetic

General Anaesthetic for Dental Procedures

CP Dental is pleased to provide extractions and some implant surgery under general anaesthesia at Sunnybank Private Hospital and Emerald Hospital. In most cases restorative procedures such as fillings are performed under IV Sedation rather than general anaesthesia. All patients considering general anaesthesia will require a consultation and treatment planning prior to undertaking the procedure.
The General Anaesthetic is provided by a specialist Medical Anaesthetist who is responsible for your comfort while our Dentists provide your dental needs. Treatments are performed as “Day Surgery”, and after a few hours you will be able to return home.

What’s involved in general anaesthesia?

General anaesthetic causes a complete state of unconsciousness which can last up to several hours. It’s provided by a highly trained team that work alongside our dentists and is always carried out in the hospital setting. At CP dental, we’re pleased to provide any necessary treatment under general anaesthetic at Emerald Hospital or Sunnybank Private Hospital.

The anaesthetists will administer the anaesthesia with intravenous drugs, along with sedatives and painkillers. They’ll also be present throughout the whole procedure to carefully monitor the patient while our dentists get to work. Generally, you’ll be admitted as a ‘day only’ patient and should be discharged within two hours of your treatment.

What treatment can be provided?

It possible for both children and adults to have some dental treatments carried out while under general anaesthetic. From tooth extractions to dental implants, we can help make your procedure a pleasant and stress-free experience. After a visit to our friendly dentist for a consultation, we can then make the necessary arrangements for your treatment to be carried out by a member of our team at the local private hospital here in Brisbane.

If you have major dental anxiety due to a phobia or a past traumatic experience, you may benefit from sleep dentistry. If you’re interested in having your dental treatment provided under general anaesthetic, CP Dental are here to help make your visit a pleasant experience. Contact our clinic to find out more.

The benefits of Sleep Dentistry

Having a general anaesthetic for your dental treatment is mostly used for complicated oral surgery but it also provides a number of benefits for our nervous patients such as:

patients are able to sleep through their whole treatment, completely unaware of smells and sounds which eases any dental fear and anxiety. Having treatment with IV sedation offers a similar effect – just without being fully asleep.

avoid any possible stress and discomfort that’s associated with lengthy and complex dental procedures.

while having an anaesthetic may carry a small risk in itself, you can rest assured that during the entire procedure you will be carefully monitored with specialised personnel and equipment.

patients are often able to have all their necessary dental treatment carried out and completed in just one session, which saves a number of trips to our dental clinic.

If you have major dental anxiety due to a phobia or a past traumatic experience, you may benefit from sleep dentistry. If you’re interested in having your dental treatment provided under general anaesthetic in South Brisbane, CP Dental are here to help make your visit a pleasant experience. Contact our clinic to find out more.


Coopers Plains

52 Henley Street, Coopers Plains, Qld 4108

Mater Hill

504 Stanley Street, South Brisbane, Qld 4101


3 Egerton Street, Emerald, Qld 4720